Assigning Colors game - Every training begins with the colour game. Here the learners practice which letters relate to which colors. For example, «B» is always bright blue and "d" is always red. Over time they will remember that words like «dislike» start with a red letter. Therefore «dislike» starts with a «d» . All pairs of letters, which are easily swapped, have different colors. Research has shown that the brain is able to retrieve phonological information better if it was practised in a multi-sensory way, i.e. using several sensory channels such as colours.
Structuring Words game - in this game you need to split words up into smaller parts, usually syllables or morphemes, and then into letters. Splitting up a word makes it easier to read and write: instead of trying to read or write it all at once, you can read or write only the shorter parts, and then put them together to form the whole word. Furthermore the splitting helps you put the letters into the right order. In addition, the pictorial division helps to ensure that fewer twists such as «tiwsting» occur. Scientists have proven that good ability to split the words into syllables leads to improvement of reading and writing.
Spelling Quest game - in this game you have to type the word, which Ortograph reads aloud. When typing, pay attention to the colours, the number of letters and the shapes. If you type the correct letter, you'll hear a tone that belongs to the letter's colour. If you typed the letter wrong, you will hear the error tone. In this way colours, structures and tones help you prevent errors and to remember the correct spelling. In the Guided training the words are automatically repeated after about one month, so that you can remember them for longer. Learners practice mapping the spoken word to the written word. Mastering this mapping is called "phonological awareness". The colours, shapes, tones and structures help to acquire this awareness faster and more securely. Studies on Orthograph showed that learners reduced their errors by more than 32% on average after 3 months. They mastered the phoneme-grapheme correspondence better and better.
Game controls and scoreboard
Shop - In the earned points can be exchanged for design elements of the learning game. E.g. visual effects, instruments, jingle sounds
Progress - children can check what they have achieved at any time by navigating to "Progress"The progress is displayed as an interactive rollercoaster:When you click on a specific day, detailed information on the learning progress for that day will be displayed:
Training Selection - in the "Training selection" you can switch to free training in order to practice any module outside of the guided training. All existing modules from all courses as well as self-created modules are available.In the upper right corner you can find the amount of time spent, the achieved Stars and Diamonds and the current training that is being worked on: