Integrative support typically involves multiple members of teaching and specialist staff. In order for the relevant members of staff to be able to supervise students effectively, they require the necessary access rights. Ideally, all special education workers should be granted limited access rights to the class to which their students belong.
Alemira School differentiates between two levels of access rights to classes:
a. A teacher user requires full access to a class in order to be able to create, man- age and delete student users.
b. Teacher users with limited access to a class can view all student users in Coach and change their learning settings. However, they cannot add new student users to the class or delete existing users.
Tip Instead of granting a teacher user full access to a class, you can limit their access to individual members of the class. They will see only these students in Coach, where they can control their learning settings.
1. Open the Alemira Cockpit at Open «Institution Management».
2. To grant a member of teaching staff access to a class, click on «Classes/Groups» in the navigation bar. Then choose the relevant class.
3. You will now be located on the class level Select «Teachers» to view which members of teaching staff have full or limited access to this class. Now, click on «Manage Access».
4. Choose a level of access for each teacher user via the drop-down menu. You can withdraw access completely by selecting «No access». You must confirm the changes by clicking the button «Save access rights».
5. To grant a teacher individual limited access to particular students:
a. On the class level, access the list of students in the class by clicking on the«Students» heading at the top of the screen.
b. There, select «Grant access» for the relevant student user from the menu.
c. Select the desired member of teaching staff.
Tip Ideally, you should grant special education workers limited (partial) access rights to all the classes they help to supervise.