Providing the 1st line of support: Miscellaneous issues handling

The table below describes common problems that may occur and how to resolve them.

Issue KB article Script
A learner did not receive a link for the test No link to the test

If you do not receive a link to the test, we recommend checking your Spam/Junk folder first. Make sure you do not miss the instructions from your test organizer explaining how to start the test.

Note: the Constructor Support cannot provide a link. Learners should contact the test organizer to get a link.

A learner got invalid username or password
Incorrect username or password

Double check that the credentials you entered are correct. If so, contact the test organizer to reset the password or get new credentials.

Note: the Constructor Support cannot reset or change your password or login to the test.
Learners should reach out to the test organizer to get credentials.

A learner reported that the exam questions are/were incorrect 
Incorrect exam questions

If mistakes are noticed in exam questions or if the questions are formulated incorrectly, it is advised to contact the exam organizer and report the problem. 

The contact information of the organizer should be provided to you, which can be an email address or phone number displayed on the test page in your LMS.

Note: the Constructor Support does not create tests and has no control over the content.

A learner closed the tab with proctored exam Page with the test was closed by accident

If the student's session is still open, the student can proceed the test.

If the sessions is already closed, the student cannot proceed test

Reopen the test and resume where you left off. If the test is no longer accessible, it is advisable to contact the teacher or testing organizer and inform them about the situation.

A learner cannot proceed the test
The exam has finished

This message appears if the time for taking the test has expired or the exam session ended prematurely. In case you need a new attempt to take the exam, you should contact the testing organizer, as this matter is within their scope of competence.

Note: the Constructor Support cannot give you a new attempt or send you a link to take the test.