How tactile learning is incorporated into the program?

    Multisensory learning is mainly achieved on the visual and auditory channel, not that much on the tactile channel. Visually, Calcularis uses colors, shapes, a 3D number line, and animations to address different neuronal cues. On the auditory channel, Calcularis constantly speaks the numbers aloud and presents them verbally. 

    The tactile channel is harder to address with a computer (and in digital learning in general). However, when defining, how children would be able to provide the answers to the tasks, the developers tried to link the input method to some experience of space. The most prominent example is the "Landing" game. In this game, children need to position a number or quantity on the number line. Now, most applications and also such tasks on a paper will simply allow the child to mark the position on the number line, decoupling the input (putting a mark on a line) from the experience of magnitude of the number, because putting the mark on the number line is always the same effort, whether you put the mark at say 51 or 87. Not in "Landing": The children must navigate a falling cone onto the number line using the arrows on the keyboard, and navigating to numbers further away takes longer than navigating to numbers close by. That's not a purely tactile experience, but at least it's relating the answer to the actual interaction of providing it