First Steps for Students

    You can now get started training with the Grafari (Orthograph)! The program will help you to remember words correctly and spell them without mistakes.

    The software is designed to allow you to train independently at the computer. However, it‘s important to practice for not less than 20 minutes, 3 times per week. Your brain needs this regular practice to help the networks inside it become stron- ger. With Orthograph, you‘ll learn by using multiple senses. Words are assigned colors, sounds and structure. This is the secret to the program‘s success!

    You can train at school, at home, on a computer or on a tablet. Your work will be saved to allow your teacher to see how well you have progressed. You‘re going to see big improvements - so be excited!

    The learning software tailors itself to you. It recognizes your strengths and weaknesses in spelling and works out exactly how you can learn best and fastest. It‘s designed to help! Because of this, it‘s important that you work with the program on your own. Only then can it get to know you and your way of learning and offer you the best help possible. Don‘t be scared of making mistakes, since this will show us where we can improve!

    1. Open your browser.
    2. Enter in the address bar.
    3. Enter your user name and password.
    4. Open «Orthograph».
    5. Your training has begun!
    6. Later, you‘ll also have the option to create custom modules - for example, to practice dictation words. You should always work in the Guided Training mode.