Email Management

    Here, you can have reports and certificates sent automatically to you and your stu- dents. You can also send class lists.

    Important! In order for a person to receive your emails, their email address must be stored in the system. The email addresses of your students can be recorded in the «User Management» section of Coach. You can change your email address in the Cockpit under «User Data».

    1. Open the Cockpit at Click on «Orthograph Coach».

    2. Choose «Manage Email» from the menu on the left-hand side or the «Manage Email Settings» tile on the homepage:

    3. Adjust the email settings for you or your students.

    4. Decide whether you wish to send reports and/or certificates by placing a check in the corresponding column:

    5. The corresponding emails will be sent as soon as you click «Send now». The last send date will be changed to the current date. The next automatic send date (see «Next send date») will be in 2, 4, or 12 weeks, depending on which option you have selected under «How often».