Displaying Progress

    1. Open the Cockpit at go.alemira.com. Click on «Orthograph Coach». On the homepage, select the following:

    2. Select the name of the student you are interested in and get an overview of their work using the various tabs:

    Overview Shows learning time, distribution of work and time use.
    Calendar Shows learning time in calendar days.
    Learn Times Shows learning times as a pattern on a diagram.
    Prompts Shows the number of words presented to the student per learning day. Correctly spelled words, newly learned words, repeated words.
    Learning Plans Shows completed and upcoming modules within the student‘s learning plan. Modules in the learning plan can be added or deleted under «Edit». Changes must be confirmed by pressing «Save».
    Letters Shows the student‘s probability of making an error with a particular letter. A short key at the bottom of the page indicates how to interpret the probabilities.
    Modules and Words  Shows all words and the number of errors on a per-module basis. You can change the module under «Change Module». Sort the list by clicking on the column header. To analyse the errors for a particular word in detail, click on the corresponding word. Each individual input entered by the student will be shown underneath the table, along with the date. This enables errors to be reconstructed and the frequency of particular errors identified.
    Error Probabilities Shows the probabilities of errors and a short explanation of what a particular number means.