Constructor LMS Release 99



We've introduced the following new features:

Additionally, we have been working on backend tasks to enable the sign in with a google account, and on class announcements to be able to push messages to groups of learners and have implemented several fixes and improvements to enhance user experience.

Show scores and grades for activities in the course

Instructors and administrators can now control how scores and grades are displayed for learners not just for the whole course but also for every single activity within a course. Multiple use cases are covered. For example, one option would be to configure the course to rely on passing scores for specific activities that could be set up using the flow control panel. In this case, configured thresholds will be used to classify an activity within a course not just completed but also ‘passed’ (i.e. relying on minimal passing scores). Alternatively, one can also choose to use the course grading scale (with its minimal passing grade) as the guideline for the ‘passed’ status. In this case, the overall grading scale will be used to determine the status of every single activity within a course.

Create time constraints for activities within the course

Instructors now have an ability to select any Activity in any Composite Objective and specify when this Activity becomes available for starting, when it becomes not available, set the activity due and hard due dates / times, and define when its results become visible to learners.
These dates may be specified for every Term — a grading period or some learner cohort which is defined by dates. Terms are set for each tenant individually by tenant Administrators and Master-data Administrators.
All the days set in time constraints affect learners enrolled to the same term only, so there can be several rules set for each of the terms available in the system.

Improvements and fixes


  • Open catalog. Tenant administrators now can control if the open catalog API or the open-catalog page should be available for the tenant, so that tenant Administrators can enable the open-course API and restrict access to the open-catalog page or make both available for users.
  • Logic for imported courses is streamlined: when a course is imported, there is no option to review it available for learner as only records are imported, but there is an option to restart it available to be able to see its content.


  • Duplicate records on certificates are no longer shown in reports
  • Fixed how widgets are shown for restarted LTI activities
  • When multiple choice is used in Assessment, buttons are shown for group operations
  • Table of content for learner is improved and hide / unhide buttons are working correctly
  • A case, when a blank page was shown when a course was started is fixed
  • Mobile view to show received certificates is fixed
  • After solving issues with infrastructure, proctoring is not stuck in “in progress” state

Known issues

  • A new toggle cannot be created within a toggle.
  • New members cannot be added to a newly created team without refreshing the screen.
  • The date and time selector sometimes does not fit on the screen in Reports.
  • When signing out from Avatar, a user is not signed out from LMS.
  • External links to cover images cannot be edited.
  • SCORMs cannot be archived
  • Error 401 occurs after an upload of a SCORM package is canceled and the second upload attempt is initiated. The page refresh is necessary to initiate the upload.
  • Settings applied for a specific SCORM version are not appropriately distinguished.
  • The “Not found” text is displayed when a learner attempts to start a quiz with a due date in the past.
  • The Customize Default View setting does not apply to the Collections filter.