Constructor LMS Release 92



    We have introduced a number of new features and improvements to existing ones:
    • Thresholds for grading scales
    • Add library name to the activity widget
    • Set default view for grids
    • Update SCORM packages
    Thresholds for grading scalesAdd library name to the activity widgetSet default view for gridsUpdate SCORM packages

    Set thresholds for grading scales

    Authors and Instructor, when creating a new or editing an existing grading scale template, can specify which grade will be considered as minimum passing grade so that system correctly indicates whether the course was completed successfully or failed.

    Set default view for grids

    Administrator, can configure each individual data grid in LMS (hide unnecessary columns) and save its state so that users with other roles in the system could see this data grid in the default view (unless they decide to customize the view for themselves). In order to show the default view, user has to press “reset” button.

    Improvements and fixes


    Update SCORM packages

    We have added an option to update SCORM packages, so that that learners who have been enrolled to this activity and not started it, will be shown the updated SCORM activity, the ones, who have started the activity, will NOT be reset of their progress and will continue taking the SCORM they have started, the ones, who have finished the activity, will be saved a record, that the activity was finished, and they can review the original activity they have finished

    Show type of activity in the activity widget

    Each LTI activity shows its type in the widget, so that Learner should understand what activity they are required to take in case there is no title or no description available for that activity. We have also renamed the main Content libraries so that activities names can be properly showed.


    • Correct progress shown on course card if “Never show results” is chosen in Objective options
    • Enrollment speed for large groups is improved
    • Link to profile is fixed, so learners are not taken to the management portal
    • Link to Rooms can be disabled in tenant settings
    • We have fixed an issue when learner couldn’t take an attempt when total number of attempts was set to “unlimited”
    • Issues in compositions are fixed: preview is working, learner can now open files and content correctly in compositions
    • Interactive components (SCORMS) can be correctly added to categories, if they were published as an objective and completed, the “Review” option issue was resolved
    • Logout issues are fixed so that user is correctly logged out of the system
    • Roles descriptions were added to Roles management
    • Email notifications were updated to better compatibility with MS Outlook 365 and other mail clients
    • Issue with horizontal pdf file was resolved, also we have fixed an issue when a wrong page was highlighted during the scroll inside the pdf viewer
    • When changing the priority in enrollments, row with priority arrows cannot be moved any more

    Known issues and limitations

    • Sometimes after uploading a video in the Vimeo library, it is stuck and not processed
    • SCORM and interactive components don't work in Safari and future Chrome versions
    • Some Grid elements don’t work in User, Group, Unit, and Team management (maximize, group by, other)
    • New members cannot be added to a newly created team without refreshing the screen
    • Incorrect values are shown for Number of reviews in the Proctoring results for a proctored activity
    • The Collection filter in reports is not displayed to Unit and Group Instructors
    • The date and time selector does not fit on the screen in reports
    • When signing out from Avatar, a user is not signed out from the LMS
    • The external link to a cover image cannot be edited
    • When zooming in using the mouse wheel or touch bar in the PDF viewer, the first page of the file is shown, zoom value cannot be changed manually