Compare Students

    1. Open the Cockpit at Click on «Orthograph Coach».

    2. Click on «Compare Students».

    3. You have the choice to display the following:

    1. Learn time / Time logged into Orthograph
    2. Total prompts and correctly answered prompts during the learning phase
    3. Total prompts and correctly answered prompts during repetition
    4. Number of words learned
    5. Number of repeated words

    4. Use the following options to customize the analyses:

    • On the left, you can choose the desired time frame for the analysis.
    • You can display the learning progress for individual days or for all days cumulatively (from the start of the selected time frame).
    • If you wish obtain a printout of a particular diagram, you can select «Generate PDF» at the bottom of the screen. The document will be saved in your Downloads folder.